| What the world needs to watch Global warming is mainly the result of CO2 levels rising in the Earth’s atmosphere. Both atmospheric CO2 and climate change are accelerating. Climate scientists say we have years, not decades, to stabilize CO2 and other greenhouse gases. To help the world succeed, CO2Now.org makes it easy to see the most current CO2 level and what it means. So, use this site and keep an eye on CO2. Invite others to do the same. Then we can do more to send CO2 in the right direction. Watch CO2 now and know the score on global warming, practically in real time. |
Atmospheric CO2 for June 2011 Preliminary data released July 5, 2011 (Mauna Loa Observatory: NOAA-ESRL)
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Data Source: | Scripps CO2 Program UCSD / Scripps Institution of Oceanography |
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Why is CO2 significant? | Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the chief greenhouse gas that results from human activities and causes global warming and climate change. To see whether enough is being done at the moment to solve these global problems, there is no single indicator as complete and current as the monthly updates for atmospheric CO2 from the Mauna Loa Observatory. |
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What is the current trend? | |
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What level is safe? | |

The world's most current data for atmospheric CO2 is measured at the Mauna Loa Observatoy in Hawaii. Measurements are made and reported independently by two scientific institutions: Scripps Institution of Oceanography and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Monthly data is posted below.
Mauna Loa CO2 Data Sets:
The 2010 average annual concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere (Mauna Loa Observatory) is 389.78 parts per million (ppm). The 2009 average is 387.35 ppm. For the past decade (2001-2010) the average annual increase is 2.04 ppm per year. Annual data for 2010 was posted January 7, 2011, by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in the US. Since the 1958 start of precision CO2 measurements in the atmosphere, the annual mean concentration of CO2 has only increased from one year to the next. The CO2 data below give a simple overview of the annual trend. |
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For Earth, May 2011 is the 10th warmest May on record since 1880. The warmest May on record is May 2010. The information and data was posted June 15, 2011 by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and its National Climate Data Center(NCDC) in the USA. Data is updated monthly. Annually, 2010 is tied with 2005 as the warmest year on record. More details about global temperature are available in the State of the Climate reports (Global Analysis) at the NOAA-NCDC website. These reports present preliminary, global data that has been gathered from monitoring stations and leading institutions around the world. The reports include a Global Hazardssection that gives a global update on drought & wildfires, flooding, storms, severe winter weather, and ecosystems impacts. A Snow and Ice section reports on snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere and sea ice extent in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. NOTE: Global temperatures set out in the CO2Now graphic (above) are computed from NOAA estimates of global average temperature for the 20th century and adding the current 20th-century anomaly.
More Info from NOAA-NCDC:
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Updated July 5, 2011
Climate Sheet posts the world’s most current and important planetary data and targets – together in one place from leading global sources. The CO2Now Climate Sheet enumerates the chain of causes that are driving humanity’s largest environmental crises – global warming, climate change and ocean acidification. It also sets out key scientific markers for setting things right.
This full edition of The CO2Now Climate Sheet is updated as the latest planetary data is released each month. An "In Brief" edition is distributed electronically in the twice-monthly newsletter: @mospheric Post. |
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Carbon Emissions 2009 Nature Geoscience and GlobalCarbonProject.org published data for the 2009 Global Carbon Budget on November 21, 2010.
In 2009, fossil fuel CO2 emissions decreased by 1.3%. These emissions were second highest in human history, just below 2008 emissions. They are 37% higher than in 1990 (Kyoto reference year).
Coal is now the largest fossil-fuel source of CO2 emissions. About 92% of the growth in coal emissions for the period 2007-2009 resulted from increased coal use in China and India. If economic growth proceeds as expected, global fossil fuel emissions are projected to increase by more than 3% in 2010.
Data for Global Carbon Emissions
(Fossil fuels, cement, land-use change)
Year | Carbon Emissions |
2009 | 9.28 billion metric tonnes per year |
2008 | 9.45 billion of metric tonnes per year |
2007 | 9.31 billion metric tonnes per year |
2006 | 9.22 billion metric tonnes per year |
To convert the data for carbon to carbon dioxide (CO2), multiply the numbers above by 3.67.
Science Daily | Global CO2 emissions may reach record levels in 2010
Global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions -- the main contributor to global warming -- show no sign of abating and may reach record levels in 2010, according to a study led by the University of Exeter (UK).
Sai Gon Giai Phong | No let up in carbon emissions, scientists warn
Annual emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the burning of oil, gas and coal were 30.8 billion tonnes, a retreat of only 1.3 percent in 2009 compared with 2008, a record year, scientists said in a letter to the journal Nature Geoscience. The global decrease was less than half that had been expected, because emerging giant economies were unaffected by the downturn that hit many large industrialised nations.
>>>> Links to the source data, credits and high-resolution images are given below. |
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