CREDO Action from Working Assets is proud to bring you an urgent alert from our friends at Defenders of Wildlife.
The Bush administration has announced a new proposal that would gut the Endangered Species Act — one of America's most important environmental laws. Now Defenders of Wildlife needs our help to preserve the vital checks and balances that protect our polar bears, wolves and other imperiled animals.
I urge you to read the message below from Defenders of Wildlife's president, Rodger Schlickeisen, and take action today to save our endangered species.
Michael Kieschnick
President, CREDO Mobile
Emergency Action
A new proposal by the Bush/Cheney Administration would gut the law that protects polar bears, wolves and other endangered species.
Urge your Representative and Senators to help stop the Bush/Cheney plan to gut the Endangered Species Act.
Dear Wildlife Supporter,
With less than 160 days left in power, the Bush/Cheney Administration has launched an unprecedented backdoor assault on America's endangered species!
Don't let them get away with it. Urge your Representative and Senators to do everything in their power to stop the Bush/Cheney Administration's eleventh-hour assault on America's wildlife.
For more than 30 years, the Endangered Species Act has protected wildlife at risk of extinction. Now the Bush/Cheney Administration wants to eliminate vital checks and balances that are crucial to protect our polar bears, wolves and other imperiled wildlife.
Please help protect endangered animals from the Bush/Cheney Administration's attack. Take action now.
Announced earlier this week, the Bush/Cheney proposal would severely limit scientific review by the Fish and Wildlife Service and National Marine Fisheries Service of projects that could harm imperiled wildlife. And it would explicitly limit the ability of these expert agencies to consider how greenhouse gas emissions from such projects could impact polar bears, wolverines and other wildlife that may go extinct due to global warming.
Instead, agencies proposing projects such as highways, dams, mines, oil or gas drilling and virtually any other activity would be allowed to decide for themselves whether a project is likely to impact any of the nearly 1,400 species currently protected by the Endangered Species Act — without the crucial independent review now provided by scientific experts at the Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service.
Many of these agencies do not even have biologists or other qualified staff to make such a determination.
Even worse, the new regulations would impose a brief 60-day review period for agencies, making it even less likely that anyone involved in the process will have the time or expertise to fully evaluate the potential harmful effects of a given project on sensitive wildlife or the habitat it needs to survive.
Help stop the Bush/Cheney Administration's assault on protections for our endangered species. Please take action now.
There are less than 160 days left in the Bush/Cheney Administration — and even less time for your Members of Congress to act. Please take action now to help stop the Bush/Cheney Administration's last-minute attempt to eliminate effective protections for the wildlife that you and I love.
Rodger Schlickeisen
Defenders of Wildlife
P.S. Two years ago, Defenders of Wildlife led the fight that stopped Congressional legislation that would have gutted the Endangered Species Act. Now we need your help to stop the Bush Administration from trying to do the same thing. Please take action now!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
Clean Air Arkansas meets Wednesdays to protect state from coal-fired plants

CROSS CURRENTS : All fired up
Fran Alexander
Posted on Monday, August 25, 2008
There’s a hard race being run here in Arkansas — and it will take Olympian skill for the environment to win this one. A documentary film narrated by Robert Redford, “ Fighting Goliath, ” was shown at the library earlier this month. It chronicled how citizens, mayors, ranchers, environmental groups, CEOs, lawyers, etc. came together in Texas to oppose the construction of 18 coal-burning utility plants planned for their state.
Some of the organizers of Public Citizen, the activist group in Texas heading up this fight, were here to share their insight and materials as well as participate on a panel with a couple of Arkansawyers, Art Hobson and Robert McAfee, who serve on Gov. Beebe’s Commission on Global Warming. Every panelist made it clear that, like Texas, Arkansas is also in a race for its air, that substance we can live without for about three to six minutes. Most of us seem to think we can survive dirty air, betting our luck against our age, health and the duration of the worst pollution to which we are exposed. However, our bodies are taking notes and tabulating the bill with every breath we take.
The American Lung Association — with their mission of preventing lung disease and promoting lung health — reports in its “ State of the Air 2008 ” that 42 percent of U. S. citizens live in counties that have unhealthful levels of either ozone or particle pollution. That’s 125 million of us. They cite that, “ Approximately 2. 2 million children and over 5. 5 million adults with asthma live in parts of the United States with very high levels of ozone” and “ over 10. 2 million adults age 65 and over and nearly 24 million children age 18 and under live in counties with unhealthful ozone levels. ” The organization’s numbers include those suffering from chronic bronchitis and emphysema as well as millions of people with diabetes or some type of cardiovascular disease. These health costs are what environmentalists are talking about when we say that our health subsidizes dirty business. Our health is not included in business expenditure calculations. We pay that bottom line, and sometimes it costs us our lives.
The lung association’s report stresses that the Clean Air Act is suffering from continued weakening of protections and that, “ Old, coal-fired power plants are among the biggest industrial contributors to unhealthful air, especially particle pollution in the eastern United States. The toll of death, disease and environmental destruction caused by coal-fired power plant pollution continues to mount. ”
One would think politicians would listen to these strong words from the oldest volunteer health organization in the country (founded in 1904 ) that has fought the causes and helped find the cures for tuberculosis and other lung diseases. Ah yes, one would think.
One would also think that carbon dioxide, the planet’s overabundance of which is believed by hundreds of scientists to be one of the causes of global warming, would be classified as an air contaminant. But alas, that would mean it would have to be regulated and limits set, and nosy inspectors would be measuring smokestack emissions. This thought is very disturbing to coal burning utility companies, because they see such scrutiny and control as a cost that might make them less competitive to energy producers using wind or sun, for example.
Right now in Arkansas, the proposed Turk plant in Hempstead County, near Texarkana and Hope, has been passed by our Public Service Commission, but the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality has not issued an air permit yet. That permit seems to be teetering on the brink of a decision by Gov. Mike Beebe, a decision as serious as an execution. Some of us have been told that he is waiting for his Global Warming Commission (www. arclimatechange. us ) report. Our job as citizens is to tell the governor and his commission, which is made up of a diverse group of represented interests, that we do not need nor want another coal-burning plant in our state. Beebe’s address is: State Capital, Room 250, Little Rock, AR 72201. Or you can e-mail him.
Our job is also to support each other in finding ways to bridge the energy chasm between now and tomorrow. Because alternative energy research, development and incentives have been and continue to be suppressed by President Bush, by Congress and by the strong-armed oil and coal rulers of energy markets, we are easily sold a bill of goods that we have no energy choices but their dinosaurs. Old technologies want us to keep on burning their dirty old fuels for a long, long time.
Michael Dworkin in the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility report “ Don’t Get Burned” writes, “ For large central-station coal-fired power plants, financing depends on long-term yields; thus they depend on net positive cash flow, not for years, but for decades. Operating costs and capital costs can destroy projected margins if the future differs from the past. ”
Ironically, therefore, burning coal will obliterate being able to bridge to future technologies as long as utilities have to pay off their billion-dollar power plants, like Hempstead. These industries’ job is to sell us on the idea that without them our economies will collapse when the opposite might be more the reality. They hold us hostage with the fear that if we try to leap the chasm to a clean future, we will find no alternate side to land on. Some of us do not buy their story, especially keeping in mind that there is another huge plant planned just down the road from us near Poteau, Okla., another battle in our face.
Since the film was shown (google “ Fighting Goliath ” for a preview ), some of us have formed “ Clean Air Arkansas” and hope to be one of several chapters across the state to confront the permitting of these coal-burning plants. In Fayetteville, we are meeting at 7 p. m. Wednesday nights on the lower floor of the United Campus Ministry building at 902 W. Maple St. (corners with Storer Street ), and we need you.
On Sept. 9, the Commission on Global Warming will meet again in Little Rock at the Capitol, and every Arkie that can drive, walk or crawl needs to go tell them you want to breathe clean air. Speaking there is your right as a citizen of this state, or just filling a chair with your body carries weight !
Coal is called the cheap energy fuel because our land, our plants, our animals, our water, our air and our lungs pay the overhead. To paraphrase dear old Smokey the Bear, “ Only YOU can stop coal fires. ” Please take a deep breath and come help.
Fran Alexander is a local resident and an active environmentalist.
Copyright © 2001-2008 Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Inc. All rights reserved. Contact:
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Oil-drilling madness continues to dominate political thinking
The Drill of It All
Did you know that oil companies are already sitting on 68 million acres of leases that they aren't even drilling? Which kind of makes you wonder: Why are Big Oil and its allies suddenly desperate to get their hands on the last few places that are still protected -- our natural treasures, wildlife refuges, and pristine coastlines? They wouldn't use the concerns caused by high gas prices as an excuse to grab it ALL, would they?
Check out our map showing how much of our country Big Oil has already got and spread the word by forwarding it to friends who agree: Enough is enough.
So far, one woman has stood up to Big Oil. Let's thank Speaker Pelosi for keeping a cool head and holding out for real solutions.
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Make Your Travel Matter
Sierra Club founder John Muir believed deeply that conservation begins with experiencing nature's grandeur firsthand, and that's still the guiding principle of Sierra Club Outings. Sure, you could spend another vacation in a high-rise at an overcrowded beach. Or, you could study retreating glaciers from your kayak in remote eastern Greenland, maintain hiking trails in Puerto Rico, or support grassroots environmental efforts in Costa Rica.
Travel with us, and you'll have much more than a vacation. We've just launched our 2009 lineup of international trips, plus a few select domestic itineraries.
Our most popular trips fill up quickly, so have a look now and discover your next life-changing experience.
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The Thirty Percent Solution
Homes and other buildings are America's largest consumers of energy and a major contributor to global warming. That's why the Sierra Club's Cool Cities Campaign is joining with local governments, businesses, and energy-efficiency advocates to support a bold new proposal to adopt "green" building codes for new homes: the Thirty Percent Solution.
Next month, building-code officials from around the country will meet in Minneapolis to vote on whether to strengthen building-code energy-efficiency standards in new homes by 30 percent. By 2030, that would save an estimated 8 quadrillion BTUs of energy and $88 billion in energy costs; reduce CO2 by 464 million metric tons; and create new clean-energy construction and service jobs in the building trades and energy-efficiency product industries.
Make sure your community will be represented at the meeting -- contact your mayor or county leader today.
| Discuss |
Winds of Change in West Virginia
The residents of the Coal River Valley of West Virginia, with the support of the Sierra Club and other environmental groups, are proposing the development of a 440-megawatt wind farm as an economically viable alternative to a planned mountaintop-removal coal-mining operation. If the mountaintop-removal coal-mining proceeds as planned, it will destroy ten square miles of the mountain, pollute waterways, devastate the surrounding communities, and eliminate the vast wind potential the mountain now holds.
Add your signature to the petition asking West Virginia Governor Manchin to protect Coal River Mountain and bring clean energy and green jobs to West Virginia!
Stand Up to Skeptics
The Sierra Club has joined forces with the Natural Resources Defense Council in smacking down global-warming skeptics at a new website called
Take a look at all sides of the argument, recommend your favorite ones, and post comments.
"Staring Down Doomsday"
From Sierra Magazine: High school students from the Bronx hit the Appalachian Trail and face their fears.
Support the No Child Left Inside Act
Tell your Representative to support the No Child Left Inside Act to provide students with quality environmental education.
If we act now, we can ensure more American children become adults ready to face the environmental challenges that lie ahead.
Sierra Club
85 Second St.
San Francisco, CA 94109
Did you know that oil companies are already sitting on 68 million acres of leases that they aren't even drilling? Which kind of makes you wonder: Why are Big Oil and its allies suddenly desperate to get their hands on the last few places that are still protected -- our natural treasures, wildlife refuges, and pristine coastlines? They wouldn't use the concerns caused by high gas prices as an excuse to grab it ALL, would they?
Check out our map showing how much of our country Big Oil has already got and spread the word by forwarding it to friends who agree: Enough is enough.
So far, one woman has stood up to Big Oil. Let's thank Speaker Pelosi for keeping a cool head and holding out for real solutions.
| Discuss |
Make Your Travel Matter
Sierra Club founder John Muir believed deeply that conservation begins with experiencing nature's grandeur firsthand, and that's still the guiding principle of Sierra Club Outings. Sure, you could spend another vacation in a high-rise at an overcrowded beach. Or, you could study retreating glaciers from your kayak in remote eastern Greenland, maintain hiking trails in Puerto Rico, or support grassroots environmental efforts in Costa Rica.
Travel with us, and you'll have much more than a vacation. We've just launched our 2009 lineup of international trips, plus a few select domestic itineraries.
Our most popular trips fill up quickly, so have a look now and discover your next life-changing experience.
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The Thirty Percent Solution
Homes and other buildings are America's largest consumers of energy and a major contributor to global warming. That's why the Sierra Club's Cool Cities Campaign is joining with local governments, businesses, and energy-efficiency advocates to support a bold new proposal to adopt "green" building codes for new homes: the Thirty Percent Solution.
Next month, building-code officials from around the country will meet in Minneapolis to vote on whether to strengthen building-code energy-efficiency standards in new homes by 30 percent. By 2030, that would save an estimated 8 quadrillion BTUs of energy and $88 billion in energy costs; reduce CO2 by 464 million metric tons; and create new clean-energy construction and service jobs in the building trades and energy-efficiency product industries.
Make sure your community will be represented at the meeting -- contact your mayor or county leader today.
| Discuss |
Winds of Change in West Virginia
The residents of the Coal River Valley of West Virginia, with the support of the Sierra Club and other environmental groups, are proposing the development of a 440-megawatt wind farm as an economically viable alternative to a planned mountaintop-removal coal-mining operation. If the mountaintop-removal coal-mining proceeds as planned, it will destroy ten square miles of the mountain, pollute waterways, devastate the surrounding communities, and eliminate the vast wind potential the mountain now holds.
Add your signature to the petition asking West Virginia Governor Manchin to protect Coal River Mountain and bring clean energy and green jobs to West Virginia!
Stand Up to Skeptics
The Sierra Club has joined forces with the Natural Resources Defense Council in smacking down global-warming skeptics at a new website called
Take a look at all sides of the argument, recommend your favorite ones, and post comments.
"Staring Down Doomsday"
From Sierra Magazine: High school students from the Bronx hit the Appalachian Trail and face their fears.
Support the No Child Left Inside Act
Tell your Representative to support the No Child Left Inside Act to provide students with quality environmental education.
If we act now, we can ensure more American children become adults ready to face the environmental challenges that lie ahead.
Sierra Club
85 Second St.
San Francisco, CA 94109
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Stupidity of calls for more drilling for oil explained by guest commentator in Northwest Arkansas Times
Guest Commentary : More drilling is just a scare
BY CARL POPE Minuteman Media
Posted on Saturday, August 16, 2008
As Americans continue struggling with high gas prices and our country’s energy crisis, “ to drill or not to drill ” is the wrong argument to be having. It’s perfectly understandable that when folks are hurting from high prices, they want solutions and they want them now. The key is to have solutions that will actually work.
When you dig past the rhetoric, you see that opening our protected coasts and wildlife refuges would do nothing to lower prices or solve our energy crisis.
Bottom line: the United States holds less than 3 percent of the world’s oil, but we use 25 percent of it. Drilling in new areas would simply not produce enough oil to impact prices on the world market. The government’s own Energy Information Administration tells us that oil from new coastal drilling would not be available for nearly a decade, and that it would not reach peak production for roughly 20 years. The oil would amount to a drop in the bucket.
And why should we be drilling more if the oil continues to be sent beyond our borders ? Just this week, numbers from the U. S. Department of Energy showed that American oil companies continue to ship huge amounts of oil to other countries.
In the first four months of 2008, American oil companies exported a record 1. 6 million barrels per day — compared to the 1. 2 million barrels per day in the first quarter of 2007. The Department of Energy also reported that a record 1. 8 million barrels per day were exported during February 2008.
According to the Bush administration, more drilling could produce 200, 000 barrels per day — yet right now, we’re exporting more than 1. 6 million barrels per day.
More drilling hasn’t lowered gasoline prices. According to the U. S. Bureau of Land Management, the number of U. S. oil wells increased each year between 2002 and 2006, but so has the price of gasoline.
The United States has more oil and gas rigs operating today than the entire rest of the world combined, with hundreds of millions of acres of onshore and offshore federal lands available for leasing. Our country has more than 800, 000 producing oil and natural gas wells, and oil companies already own rights to 68 million acres of federal land and coastline that they aren’t even drilling.
Some politicians are also spreading rumors. Vice President Dick Cheney and others have claimed that countries like China are already drilling off our coasts. But Cheney was forced to retract this statement after the Congressional Research Service proved there was absolutely no truth to the claim.
Meanwhile, as Americans have to figure out how they will pay to fill up their cars, the biggest oil companies just reported record quarterly profits in excess of $ 40 billion.
Big Oil has had us in a chokehold for too long. Americans need and deserve more energy choices.
Instead of continuing to provide billions of dollars of subsidies to Big Oil, we should be investing in energy sources like wind, solar and biomass — renewable sources that will create jobs.
By making big oil companies pay their fair share, we can fund tax credits and refund checks to regular Americans for immediate, short-term relief from gasoline prices — something drilling wouldn’t do.
Why hold up good proposals, such as more renewable energy that everyone agrees on, to benefit oil companies that are happy with high prices ? There are better solutions to our energy crisis.
Carl Pope is executive director of the Sierra Club.
Copyright © 2001-2008 Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Inc. All rights reserved. Contact:
BY CARL POPE Minuteman Media
Posted on Saturday, August 16, 2008
As Americans continue struggling with high gas prices and our country’s energy crisis, “ to drill or not to drill ” is the wrong argument to be having. It’s perfectly understandable that when folks are hurting from high prices, they want solutions and they want them now. The key is to have solutions that will actually work.
When you dig past the rhetoric, you see that opening our protected coasts and wildlife refuges would do nothing to lower prices or solve our energy crisis.
Bottom line: the United States holds less than 3 percent of the world’s oil, but we use 25 percent of it. Drilling in new areas would simply not produce enough oil to impact prices on the world market. The government’s own Energy Information Administration tells us that oil from new coastal drilling would not be available for nearly a decade, and that it would not reach peak production for roughly 20 years. The oil would amount to a drop in the bucket.
And why should we be drilling more if the oil continues to be sent beyond our borders ? Just this week, numbers from the U. S. Department of Energy showed that American oil companies continue to ship huge amounts of oil to other countries.
In the first four months of 2008, American oil companies exported a record 1. 6 million barrels per day — compared to the 1. 2 million barrels per day in the first quarter of 2007. The Department of Energy also reported that a record 1. 8 million barrels per day were exported during February 2008.
According to the Bush administration, more drilling could produce 200, 000 barrels per day — yet right now, we’re exporting more than 1. 6 million barrels per day.
More drilling hasn’t lowered gasoline prices. According to the U. S. Bureau of Land Management, the number of U. S. oil wells increased each year between 2002 and 2006, but so has the price of gasoline.
The United States has more oil and gas rigs operating today than the entire rest of the world combined, with hundreds of millions of acres of onshore and offshore federal lands available for leasing. Our country has more than 800, 000 producing oil and natural gas wells, and oil companies already own rights to 68 million acres of federal land and coastline that they aren’t even drilling.
Some politicians are also spreading rumors. Vice President Dick Cheney and others have claimed that countries like China are already drilling off our coasts. But Cheney was forced to retract this statement after the Congressional Research Service proved there was absolutely no truth to the claim.
Meanwhile, as Americans have to figure out how they will pay to fill up their cars, the biggest oil companies just reported record quarterly profits in excess of $ 40 billion.
Big Oil has had us in a chokehold for too long. Americans need and deserve more energy choices.
Instead of continuing to provide billions of dollars of subsidies to Big Oil, we should be investing in energy sources like wind, solar and biomass — renewable sources that will create jobs.
By making big oil companies pay their fair share, we can fund tax credits and refund checks to regular Americans for immediate, short-term relief from gasoline prices — something drilling wouldn’t do.
Why hold up good proposals, such as more renewable energy that everyone agrees on, to benefit oil companies that are happy with high prices ? There are better solutions to our energy crisis.
Carl Pope is executive director of the Sierra Club.
Copyright © 2001-2008 Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Inc. All rights reserved. Contact:
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
NO COAL meeting Wednesday August 13th 7pm
Molly Rawn
OHG Sierra Club, Chair
(479) 879-1620
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: James Burke
Date: Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 6:05 PM
Subject: Important NO COAL meeting Wednesday August 13th 7pm
Hi everyone,
We had a successful tour traveling the state last week showing the documentary "Fighting Goliath" and talking with community groups about forming a no new coal coalition. Check out these links for an update:
So far we have set up 'Clean Air Arkansas' groups in Fayetteville, Little Rock, Conway, and Hope to oppose the construction of new coal-fired power plants.
This Wednesday August 13th at 7pm we will meet in Fayetteville to discuss in more detail our campaign and delegate roles to people who are committed to this effort. Please join us and invite your friends and family. Time is running out and we need to come together to stop these coal plants
Here is the address for the meeting this Wednesday:
United Campus Ministry
Omni Center
902 W Maple St
Fayetteville, AR
Also, Maggie Bailey, a volunteer in Fayetteville has asked to coordinate events while I am in Little Rock so you can email either her or me for more questions about our campaign. Here is Maggie's email:
Hope to see you at the meeting. Thanks for your support.
OHG Sierra Club, Chair
(479) 879-1620
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: James Burke
Date: Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 6:05 PM
Subject: Important NO COAL meeting Wednesday August 13th 7pm
Hi everyone,
We had a successful tour traveling the state last week showing the documentary "Fighting Goliath" and talking with community groups about forming a no new coal coalition. Check out these links for an update:
So far we have set up 'Clean Air Arkansas' groups in Fayetteville, Little Rock, Conway, and Hope to oppose the construction of new coal-fired power plants.
This Wednesday August 13th at 7pm we will meet in Fayetteville to discuss in more detail our campaign and delegate roles to people who are committed to this effort. Please join us and invite your friends and family. Time is running out and we need to come together to stop these coal plants
Here is the address for the meeting this Wednesday:
United Campus Ministry
Omni Center
902 W Maple St
Fayetteville, AR
Also, Maggie Bailey, a volunteer in Fayetteville has asked to coordinate events while I am in Little Rock so you can email either her or me for more questions about our campaign. Here is Maggie's email:
Hope to see you at the meeting. Thanks for your support.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Fran Alexander's Northwest Arkansas Times column urges governor to persuade commission to use gas money for habitat preservation, restoration
Fran Alexander
Posted on Monday, August 11, 2008
“Anyone who can solve the problems of water will be worthy of two Nobel prizes — one for peace and one for science.” — John F. Kennedy If you read my July 28 article “Frack, rattle, and roll,” about the Fayetteville Shale gas drilling, you know that all that glitters is not necessarily pure gold. In the case of natural gas being released from “fracked” shale strata under several counties in central Arkansas, the big money being made there is awash with serious costs as well. Politicians blinded by the prospect of billions glutting the state economy have generally ignored these costs. So far, none of the money to be garnered from a severance tax on the gas bonanza or from leases has been specifically earmarked for environmental protection costs.
We often read about green issues with a lulled feeling of security that the network of laws and regulations in our country will protect us individually and collectively from dire ecological and financial consequences. It’s time to burst that bubble. Federal oil and gas production exemptions abound to the point that one is left feeling we are living on a wild, lawless frontier where random bullets of enviro horrors whiz by our heads daily. (See: www. earthworksaction. org / pubs / PetroleumExemptions 1 c. pdf ) Most citizens are also on their own financially when dealing with leases, taxes and the complicated jungle of resource prospectors. It seems even the state is not too sure what is in its best interests in regard to resources like oil, gas, bromide, coal or money, and is being especially slow in comprehending what is happening to its water, truly our most valuable resource.
Since my last article, a whole new wrinkle about gas drilling has slithered into the news. Neither the general public nor most of the state’s major environmental organizations (Audubon, Arkansas Wildlife Federation, Sierra Club ) were asked for any input before the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission signed two gas leases. One lease covers 7, 579 mineral acres and 15, 500 surface acres in the Petit Jean River Wildlife Management Area near Ola, in Yell County; the other for 3, 949 mineral acres and 11, 683 surface acres in the Gulf Mountain Wildlife Management Area in Van Buren County. Chesapeake Energy Corp. is parting with $ 29. 5 million and a 20 percent royalty interest to get to drill in these public lands.
Keep in mind that land surface (and therefore, habitat) is severely affected where cleared drilling pads, which range from one to five acres in size, are located, and by many miles of roads needing to be improved, expanded, or built for the hundreds of truck trips servicing drilling sites. Compressors hum loudly day and night, so noise can be a problem for humans and animals. And major impacts from pipeline rights of way, which can vary from 20 to 50 feet in width, occur because their pathways denude vast swaths of land. Many people do not realize that mineral leasing confers dominant use of the surface for extraction of underground minerals, no matter who owns the surface or whether they want drilling on their land or not. But on public lands the public should at least have been asked.
“What are we thinking?” is pretty much the question that environmentalists, snugly wrapped in our straitjackets, mutter to ourselves as we rock back and forth banging our heads into walls. I ended my last article asking, “Will we do anything about this situation?” meaning will we find a way to get at least some of the tax revenue from this gas production directed into preventing and repairing the environmental harm that will affect Arkansas’ land, air, water and human health? The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s leasing has provided a whole new pot o’ gold for grasping, and the commission and the governor are having somewhat of a standoff over who gets to decide how this wealth will be spent.
The commission says the money is theirs to direct to wildlife. Sounds good unless that “wildlife” includes trucks, salaries, buildings, game wardens, hunting programs, equipment, etc. for humans. It needs to be directed to habitat protection and repair, the essence of what could be harmed by drilling activities. The money could also go a long way in establishing methods to protect watersheds with conservation easements, thereby expanding preservation all over the state, not just within boundaries of management areas. Obviously, those borders have just been proven not to be sacrosanct when money rides into town.
The League of Women Voters has done extensive study on the Fayetteville Shale Play, taken tours to the drilling sites and in January co-hosted a forum on the issue with the Sierra Club. Mary Alice Serafini, state president of the League, said they have developed Consensus Positions, which they hope the state Legislature will adopt.
Position 1 is the recommendation that a single water authority be established to coordinate the use and regulation of the state’s public waters.
Position 2 recommends funding for oversight and inspection so that problems can be addressed before damage occurs instead of being only complaint driven.
Position 3 provides greater protection of landowners’ surface rights and of waterways.
Position 4 provides full disclosure of chemical additives being used in drilling and production activities that might infiltrate groundwater or pollute the air. (This is a “right-to-know” issue for anyone who otherwise might be exposed to harmful contaminants.)
Position 5 promotes the establishment of a fund for infrastructure changes and damages in areas affected by gas drilling.
So the League has been willing to do something. I hope you will too by contacting our legislators to tell them to support environmental protection and positions such as the League has taken. Immediately, however, we need to contact Gov. Mike Beebe and let him know we consider resource revenue the property of the citizens of Arkansas, and that the public’s money should go toward protecting our state for all of us, not just those with gas.
Fran Alexander is a local resident and an active environmentalist.
Copyright © 2001-2008 Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Inc. All rights reserved. Contact:
Waste Management to Dedicate Arkansasʼ First Landfill-Gas-to-Energy Plant
Waste Management to Dedicate Arkansasʼ First Landfill-Gas-to-Energy Plant and
Announce New Partnership with Audubon Arkansas
Senator Blanche Lincoln, Governor Mike Beebe and Congressman Vic Snyder Scheduled to Attend Event
State and local leaders will join Waste Management executives on Tuesday, August 12, 9:30 am at the Two Pine Landfill to officially dedicate Arkansasʼ first and only landfill gas-to-energy plant. This plant is part of Waste Managementʼs sustainable commitment to Arkansas as well as North America, unveiled this past October as part of Waste Managementʼs 2020 plan.
Additionally, Waste Management officials will announce a new first-of-its-kind partnership with Audubon Arkansas.
What: Landfill Gas to Energy Plant Dedication and Announcement of New Partnership with Audubon Arkansas
When: Tuesday, August 12 at 9:30 am
Where: Two Pine Landfill
100 Two Pine Drive
North Little Rock, AR 72117
Who: Senator Blanche Lincoln
Governor Mike Beebe
Congressman Vic Snyder
Waste Management Executives
Arkansas Audubon Director Ken Smith
The Two Pine Landfill gas-to-energy plant is a 4.8 megawatt facility, providing power for approximately 4,500 homes in North Little Rock. Consisting of six large engines, it was constructed in 2006 and recently achieved full generation. The engines are powered by methane gas, which forms in the landfill as a result of the decomposition of waste.
Approximately two years ago, Waste Management and Audubon Arkansas began discussions regarding the development of a wildlife management plan for the Two Pine Landfill. This first-of-its-kind program between Waste Management and Audubon Arkansas has the potential to expand to other Waste Management landfills. At Tuesdayʼs event, Waste Management officials and leaders from Audubon Arkansas will unveil the vision for Two Pine Landfill.
This past April, Waste Management received the stateʼs approval to expand the Two Pine Landfill. In the coming years, Waste Management plans to build an additional landfill gas-to-energy plant in the expanded landfill area.
These two projects are part of the companyʼs environmental sustainability initiative. Waste Management has committed to the following actions by 2020: doubling its waste based energy generation from the equivalent of generating enough energy for one million to two million homes, quadrupling the number of its sites certified by the Wildlife Habitat Council to 100 as well as set aside 25,000 acres for conservation, nearly tripling the amount of recyclables it manages to 20 million tons; and reducing its vehicle fleet emissions by 15 percent and increasing fuel efficiency by 15 percent.
Waste Management, based in Houston, Texas, is the leading provider of comprehensive waste management services in North America. Our subsidiaries provide collection, transfer, recycling and resource recovery, and disposal services. We are also a leading developer, operator and owner of waste-to-energy and landfill gas-to-energy facilities in the United States. Our customers include residential, commercial, industrial, and municipal customers throughout North America.
For more information, visit or
Waste Management to Dedicate Arkansasʼ First Landfill-Gas-to-Energy Plant and
Announce New Partnership with Audubon Arkansas
Senator Blanche Lincoln, Governor Mike Beebe and Congressman Vic Snyder Scheduled to Attend Event
State and local leaders will join Waste Management executives on Tuesday, August 12, 9:30 am at the Two Pine Landfill to officially dedicate Arkansasʼ first and only landfill gas-to-energy plant. This plant is part of Waste Managementʼs sustainable commitment to Arkansas as well as North America, unveiled this past October as part of Waste Managementʼs 2020 plan.
Additionally, Waste Management officials will announce a new first-of-its-kind partnership with Audubon Arkansas.
What: Landfill Gas to Energy Plant Dedication and Announcement of New Partnership with Audubon Arkansas
When: Tuesday, August 12 at 9:30 am
Where: Two Pine Landfill
100 Two Pine Drive
North Little Rock, AR 72117
Who: Senator Blanche Lincoln
Governor Mike Beebe
Congressman Vic Snyder
Waste Management Executives
Arkansas Audubon Director Ken Smith
The Two Pine Landfill gas-to-energy plant is a 4.8 megawatt facility, providing power for approximately 4,500 homes in North Little Rock. Consisting of six large engines, it was constructed in 2006 and recently achieved full generation. The engines are powered by methane gas, which forms in the landfill as a result of the decomposition of waste.
Approximately two years ago, Waste Management and Audubon Arkansas began discussions regarding the development of a wildlife management plan for the Two Pine Landfill. This first-of-its-kind program between Waste Management and Audubon Arkansas has the potential to expand to other Waste Management landfills. At Tuesdayʼs event, Waste Management officials and leaders from Audubon Arkansas will unveil the vision for Two Pine Landfill.
This past April, Waste Management received the stateʼs approval to expand the Two Pine Landfill. In the coming years, Waste Management plans to build an additional landfill gas-to-energy plant in the expanded landfill area.
These two projects are part of the companyʼs environmental sustainability initiative. Waste Management has committed to the following actions by 2020: doubling its waste based energy generation from the equivalent of generating enough energy for one million to two million homes, quadrupling the number of its sites certified by the Wildlife Habitat Council to 100 as well as set aside 25,000 acres for conservation, nearly tripling the amount of recyclables it manages to 20 million tons; and reducing its vehicle fleet emissions by 15 percent and increasing fuel efficiency by 15 percent.
Waste Management, based in Houston, Texas, is the leading provider of comprehensive waste management services in North America. Our subsidiaries provide collection, transfer, recycling and resource recovery, and disposal services. We are also a leading developer, operator and owner of waste-to-energy and landfill gas-to-energy facilities in the United States. Our customers include residential, commercial, industrial, and municipal customers throughout North America.
For more information, visit or
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Monarch butterflies visit World Peace Wetland Prairie to lay eggs on milkweed so that caterpillars can eat and grow
Friday, August 8, 2008
Art Hobson leading the charge against global warming
I got up and got coffee Friday morning and then discovered a relatively youthful Art Hobson lecturing on global warming at the Fayetteville library through the magic of Fayetteville's government channel.
Art's message was on target and very much today's message on global warming. Only when the credits ran at the end did I see that it was a show recorded in 2000!
Things are worse now. Our climate has gone crazy.
But Art would only have a few things different to say today if he were to lecture a crowd at the library.
Later in the day, Art emailed an item of current concern. Some things have happened as a result of Art's sermons back in 2000 and before. One occurred with the help of Dick Bennett, Kelly Mulhollan and a bunch of members of the OMNI Center for Peace, Justice and Ecology.
The most important may be that Arkansas' governor finally created a Commission on Global Warming and that body has been meeting for many months and is being battered by corporate propagandists who don't want Arkansas' legislature to enact any legislation in 2009 that might actually help slow global climate change. Art Hobson is a member of that commission and probably the top scientist in the group.
Let's share Art's August 8, 2008, message to OMNI's Carbon Caps Task Force and those who have signed up for the Planet Works list to lobby the legislature on behalf of the Global Warming Commission's efforts:
"The messages that I was hoping for haven't been getting out to the GW Commission. The Comm needs to hear from others than Swepco--although many of Sammy Cox's (Swepco lobbyist) messages are fairly interesting. I had sent several such needed items, from the internet and other places, to you earlier, but most of them haven't actually reached the Commission. I can't do this myself. ... the Comm need other perspectives. I suggest the somebody at Omni send to the Commission this excellent statement from the LWV: I suggest that it not be accompanied by further comments, except to note that it is sent out by Omni. The note might also mention the interesting "fact sheet" and the 8 pages of "frequently asked questions" that accompany the statement--these are pdfs that readers can click on within the statement.
Cheers - Art
Art's message was on target and very much today's message on global warming. Only when the credits ran at the end did I see that it was a show recorded in 2000!
Things are worse now. Our climate has gone crazy.
But Art would only have a few things different to say today if he were to lecture a crowd at the library.
Later in the day, Art emailed an item of current concern. Some things have happened as a result of Art's sermons back in 2000 and before. One occurred with the help of Dick Bennett, Kelly Mulhollan and a bunch of members of the OMNI Center for Peace, Justice and Ecology.
The most important may be that Arkansas' governor finally created a Commission on Global Warming and that body has been meeting for many months and is being battered by corporate propagandists who don't want Arkansas' legislature to enact any legislation in 2009 that might actually help slow global climate change. Art Hobson is a member of that commission and probably the top scientist in the group.
Let's share Art's August 8, 2008, message to OMNI's Carbon Caps Task Force and those who have signed up for the Planet Works list to lobby the legislature on behalf of the Global Warming Commission's efforts:
"The messages that I was hoping for haven't been getting out to the GW Commission. The Comm needs to hear from others than Swepco--although many of Sammy Cox's (Swepco lobbyist) messages are fairly interesting. I had sent several such needed items, from the internet and other places, to you earlier, but most of them haven't actually reached the Commission. I can't do this myself. ... the Comm need other perspectives. I suggest the somebody at Omni send to the Commission this excellent statement from the LWV: I suggest that it not be accompanied by further comments, except to note that it is sent out by Omni. The note might also mention the interesting "fact sheet" and the 8 pages of "frequently asked questions" that accompany the statement--these are pdfs that readers can click on within the statement.
Cheers - Art
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